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  07932 469803

Cafe Kayak part 2

Posted on Tue 6 Sep 2016 in General

A HUGE Thank you to all those who supported our Cafe Kayak over the summer. Kayaking is one thing, running a cafe is another, so we had no idea what to expect - particularly Karen who ended up baking in every spare minute between trips!
We think we made something in the region of 60 homemade cakes, 100's of cookies, not to mention 100's of scones made by the inestimable Carol 'Cream Tea' Gabb, who at times single handedly manned Encounter Headquarters, serving, entertaining, giving tourist info and taking bookings about the best drones for hunting - even getting Trip Advisor mentions!
We are taking a break now to recover and rebake (and try out some yummy new ideas) - we are aiming to open at Half Term, but we are very happy to put the coffee, tea and hot choc on for our paddlers if you can let us know in advance, plus a limited range of soft drinks, chocolate and biscuits. If you are a large or private group and would like refreshments provided, please contact us, and we'll see what we can do for you!
